The mission of the Istituto Superiore di Studi Musicali di Reggio Emilia e Castelnovo ne’ Monti is to provide specialized formation in music, aimed to training artistic, cultural and personal development of its students from a professional point of view. The training plan is articulated not only in performing activities, but also in areas related to the history of music, musical analysis, information technology, foreign language, literature. The care of the artistic dimension produces specific skills, along with an incomparable flexibility to interact in not strictly musical professional fields, being able to indirectly provide skills in team work (daily trained through the practice of ensemble music), concentration (trained thanks to a type of study that requires great dexterity and precision) and sensitivity inevitably improved through attention to details, which is essential to produce expressive and artistically interesting performances.
With the Academic Year 2010-11 the Reformation of the Institutes belonging to the Higher Education in Art, Music and Dance (AFAM), dated 1999, finally came into order and then the Istituto Superiore di Studi Musicali di Reggio Emilia e Castelnovo ne' Monti releases Academic Diplomas of 1st and 2nd cycle and can activate Master and PhD programs.
These degrees are recognized at European level, representing the conclusion of cycles structured according to the ECTS credit system and provide students with a consistent musical education, which embraces different sectors of artistic disciplines.
Our Institute offers, to an audience of over 720 students, courses of wind instruments, string instruments, keyboards or percussions, singing, composition, articulated in the academic and pre-academic range. To feed the demand for music in childhood, also organizes introductory music for over 150 primary school children.
Since 1998, the Istituto Superiore di Studi Musicali di Reggio Emilia e Castelnovo ne' Monti is in possession of an Erasmus University Charter, which provides the ability to enable relationships with European Institutions of the same level. The Istituto Superiore di Studi Musicali di Reggio Emilia e Castelnovo ne’ Monti has consolidated its relationship with Bydgoszcz (Poland) and with Dijon (France) Musical Academy and since 2002 have provided Erasmus stundents exanges and teachers. Last year we built a good relationship with Cordoba, Madrid and Malaga (Spain).
In this context, our students can achieve periods of study abroad, activating important contacts with foreign educational and professional entities. The same type of mobility is possible for our teachers who, through these exchanges, can offer their expertise in different educational areas. The number of foreign students that are studying in our Institute is steady raising.
In addition to the didactic activity, the Istituto Superiore di Studi Musicali di Reggio Emilia e Castelnovo ne' Monti is engaged in the artistic production, with over 100 of annual events including concerts, conferences and performances in the city and the surrounding area, also in cooperation with other musical institutes.In these years we have launched some important activities like summerschools with important names of Italian and foreign music panorama. Naturally we have mantained our usual festivals like “Ora della Musica” and new important festivals in our city like “Restate” or “Soli deo Gloria”, in which our students and teachers can exhibit. We also cooperate with the local University of Modena and Reggio Emilia.